16 May 2006

The End of the World...

This seems to be a theme lately.

So while waiting for a bus downtown I had the 'joy' of listening to a street preacher go on and on about how the world is going to end in 21 days. His reasoning: It will be the sixth day, of the sixth month, of the sixth year of this century. That whole 'six, six, six' or 666 thing. (Of course this was coming from someone who is, I imagine, in the same class of people who thought that 2000 was the first year of this century in which case this is actually the seventh year of this century, counting year 0...)

While normally I would have laughed this off, likely loudly and in the face of the person preaching it, it bugged me a little as coincidentally that day is my birthday.

So, God, if you are reading this... Could you do me a favor and delay ending the world until relatively late in the day? I'd like a chance to see what (if anything) I get for presents and an hour or two to read, watch or play with them if I do.

Oh, also, if by some odd chance I turn out to be the Anti-Christ (proving the opinion of me expressed on numerous occasions by teachers I had over the years) and come into the fullness of my demonic heritage this year I promise to play fair and make war and end the world by the Old Testament rules of engagement you had us kooky humans write down for you so long ago. Not as keen on the New Testament stuff, the whole Book of Revelations is actually kind of corny by todays standards. If I have to go in for the special effects and weird events as heavily as they are depicted there I might have to hire a creative team and see if I couldn't jazz it up a little.


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